Are you reaching that milestone that every baby reaches when they realize that they no longer want to be fed baby food? Maybe you gave you're baby a taste of table food, and now they want to quit the baby food cold turkey. If you're anything like me, figuring out what to feed your child when they don't eat baby food can be a worrisome and daunting task. My baby was about 8 months when she decided that she no longer wanted baby food, or anything that even resembled baby food. To my dismay, there went cream of wheat, oatmeal, baby cereal, pretty much everything I relied on to give her for breakfast. So I improvised.
If you're baby is around the age to start wanting table food, he or she should be already accustomed to eating pureed fruits and vegetables. Start giving these fruits and vegetables cut up into small pieces. My favorite fruit to give my daughter is bananas because they are already pretty mushy and all you have to do is cut them up into bite size pieces. Also, you can give grapes as long as you cut them up into extra tiny pieces. Giving a whole grape could cause choking. For breakfast, try some fruits and a grain, such as cut up toast or some cheerios. Just make sure that the fruits are not hard and can be chewed by a baby that has no teeth. This should keep you safe from choking hazards. For lunch, start out by giving cooked vegetables, or even canned vegetables. See which ones your baby likes and then go from there. When they are used to eating the vegetables, you can branch out into other sources of food. You can make grilled cheese, meatballs, or even just buy some spaghetti-os. And you can do the same thing for dinner.
These are just simple steps to help you transition from using baby food to table food without going crazy about how your baby is going to get the proper nutrition they need. Feel free to deviate from the plan, and find what works for your baby!